Thank you for all the happy birthdays on Tuesday!
I think Bowser might be my new favorite character to draw. I am so glad Maria got this job so that I may cancel all nerdy jokes/queerloveangst and draw ALL CATS ALL THE TIME. Or maybe… I’ll recast Riot Nrrd with CATS who have nerdy/queer jokes/problems!
ANYWAY thanks for reading!
The Boy in Pink Earmuffs
The Center for Otherworld Science
Dinosaur Comics
Dumbing of Age
Eve's Apple
Girls With Slingshots
Hark! A Vagrant
Khaos Komix
Manic Pixie Nightmare Girls
Meaty Yogurt
Minimum Secuirty
Minor Acts of Heroism
O Human Star
Octopus Pie
The Princess
Questionable Content
Rooster Tails
Sassyfrass Circus
YU+ME: dream
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MARIA: Uh, no. I guess not.
This line seems to be missing from the actual strip?
Cats with nerdy/queer jokes/problems… I like the idea! Draw that! Draw that right now!
Oops! You’re right. I’ll fix that…
A friend of mine who is a trans man does this comic called Queers with Cats.
Thought you might be interested in checking it out.
Also, his cat needs surgery so maybe you could do a little plug for his fundraising page? We’d really appreciate it!
The cat’s with queer love angst can counter the terrible force of Joss Whedon puppy!
And I embarrass myself. I can use apostrophes properly, honest.
What does Helen’s shirt say??? Will we ever see?