Links I need to remember to add to the main page:
The Ever Eccentric Unfactory – a fabulous trans webcomicers collective!
My google+ account.Thanks for reading!
↓ TranscriptYoung Wren looks out the window of an airplane.
WREN: We moved four months later. I wrote to my mom a few times a year, but I avoided speaking to her on the phone for... for a long time. I never told either of them what I heard, but I think my dad realized I knew something. He saw a shift in me. I definitely noticed a shift in him. After that it seemed like, all of his shame and his guilt and his sadness showed on his face all of the time. Or maybe I could just see it after that.
Close-up of adult Wren, looking down and to the side as she finishes speaking.
WREN: And, you know, he won’t talk about it now, but I know he was so wrecked inside when I was a kid. He left my mom, and lost all of his friends, and cut himself off from his whole community, because it hurt less than hiding who he was. He just lived hurt for years... I know my mom was hurt, too... but how could she?
Wren looks at Nhi, whose eyes are GIGANTIC and she’s crying. Her lip pouts. Wren looks surprised.
Wren covers her face, now also crying.
WREN: Aw jeez, I... uch... it’s like you have super powers!
NHI: I’m s-s-s-sorry!
Nhi’s faces are the best faces. Actually, all faces drawn by you are the best faces.
RJ, you have gotten so good at this. Those eyes KILL me.
Oh my god THE PUPPY EYES. I was all :< but then I hit that panel and just started laughing. Nhiiiiiiiii~
Those eyes are indeed bestest.
Yes, the EYES. They’re just like Allyson Hannigan’s big teary eyes – heartwrenching.
Why is it that Wren’s the one telling her heart-wrenching story, but Nhi’s the one I want to offer a huge hug? (Answer: Puppy Eyes of Doom. Sniffle.)
Nhi! <3 <3 <3