Hey everybody, here is the comic! I hope it is not too upsetting.
I am headed to New England Webcomics Weekend tomorrow! I am not a guest, just an attendee, but if you’re going to be there, maybe I’ll see you!
Also, Monday the 8th is my BIRTHDAY! If you are feeling so kind/monetarily capable, I would really appreciate some birthday donations (see the gray button to the right). I finally have a real-world job, but it’s only part-time, and money is tight/stressful.
Thank you for reading!
↓ TranscriptMaria is outside her dorm building, on a cell phone with her mother.
MARIA: Mom, I cannot BELIEVE you!
MARIA: What I mean is, you failed to inform the school that I’m trans. I know it makes dad “uncomfortableâ€, but this is beyond-
MARIA: Of COURSE that kind of thing matters, mom! I have a very bewildered, very MALE roommate. In a suite full of MEN. Where people use the MEN’S room. Because you didn’t think it was important to inform the school that I AM NOT A MAN.
MARIA: What??
MARIA: Do you realize what you’re suggesting? Besides being completely impractical and insulting, this is about my safety, mom…
MARIA: They will know I’m the same person, mom. I’m transgender, I’m not Clark Kent.
I’m guessing that her mum suggested that she just ~pretend~ she’s a man for the time being, right? how considerate.
Oh wow – terrible situation, but I just love the punchline!
Yikes. Poor Maria. That is an outrageously shitty position to be in.
Oh. Pikamidge’s interpretation makes more sense. I thought Maria’s mum suggested she wear sunglasses or something (yeah, I know – I feel dumb, too).