TY: YES! Pokemon rumble blast! Gracias Abuela!
MARIA: I got... um...
TY: TY: OH MAN I wanna play it right now!
MARIA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts...
MARIA: Oh my god! You got me a name change form! License... Social Security... You got me ALL the name change forms! And they’re all mostly filled out!
ABUELA: A check for the fees are in the card.
MARIA: Abuela, I don’t know what to say...
MARIA: This is the most amazing gift...
ABUELA: No, es nada. (No, it’s nothing.) It’s just time everybody knows what you always did.
MARIA: Gracias, Abuela. (Thank you, grandma.)
ABUELA: Feliz Navidad, querida. (Merry Christmas, my love.)
I was born with an intersexed condition. The only one supportive of me swapping from what was decided on by my father when i was born, to what was more proper for me, was my mom. This gave me a big smile.
kind of bawling right now. in the best way possible.
ohhhhh c: that is so sweet.
love that Snorlax tshirt.
Abuela is officially awesome.
Why is it that grandmothers are always understanding when parents – you know, the younger, supposedly more sensitive/hip generation – aren’t?
*melts* Maria’s grandmother is THE BEST!
I love Abuela. Huzzah for love.
Serious blubbing. :’)
Once again, you made me cry. Maria’s abuela is the best grandparent.
Ahhhh, I could cry. Abuela is the best. <3
OMG blub! Sooo awesome!
I was born with an intersexed condition. The only one supportive of me swapping from what was decided on by my father when i was born, to what was more proper for me, was my mom. This gave me a big smile.
ohmygod… first time a comic has made me tear up
Best present everrrrr – I need to get me one of those.
Please don’t make me cry, I’m at work…