If you don’t get all of these, take comfort in the fact that you are not the biggest geek around. That’s me, apparently!
Kara Thrash, it turns out, is a real derby name! Tamora Fierce, unfortunately, is not. Note to any derby girls that may read my comic: this name is awesome, call dibs now!
This mystery woman, by the way, is Wren’s squeeze, Candice. If all goes well, expect a bio for her on the character page in the next few days. I didn’t intend to introduce her on Valentine’s Day, but it worked out that way. They’re cute.
On a different note, I haven’t seen the ice storm that left the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe without power or water and in need of medical and general supplies get much press. There’s info here on sending goods and checks, and here is the only online donation spot I could find.
It’s a good thing I’m totally incompetent on roller skates, because if I ever got into derby I would have to try to beat you up and steal “Tamora Fierce.”
It’s a good thing I’m totally incompetent on roller skates, because if I ever got into derby I would have to try to beat you up and steal “Tamora Fierce.”
So ubercool to contribute to a rollerderby nom de guerre!
Tammy Pierce